Kulturhus Björkboda
Smedskullavägen 3
FI-25860 Björkboda

+358 41 8064766

Ankomst / Saapuminen / Arrival
Från Kimito, kör/cykla 13 km mot Dalsbruk på väg 183. Sakta ner vid SEO-servicestation och sväng nästa vänster. Fortsätt 100m. Parkering framför huset.

From Kimito, drive/cycle 13km towards Dalsbruk on 183. Slow down by SEO service station and turn next left. Continue 100m. Parking in front of the house

Kemiöstäpäin, aja 13km kohti Taalintehdasta tietä 183. Hilljennä SEO-huoltoaseman kohdalla ja käänny seuraavasta vasempaan. Jatka 100m. Pysäköinti talon edessä.


Syksy/Hösten: Tor-Sön 11-17 (Lör:11-15) / To-Su 11-17 (La:11-15)

Tillgänglighet / Saavutettavuus / Accessibility
Endast första våningen och under sommarmånaderna. Gå in genom innergården, dörrarna normalt stängda så meddela oss om du kommer.

Vain ensimmäinen kerros ja kesäkuukausina. Sisäänkäynti sisäpihan kautta. Ovet usein suljettuna, laita viestiä ennenkun tulet.

First floor only and during summer months. Enter through the inner courtyard, doors normally closed so let us know if you are coming.


Kulturhus Björkboda on vuonna 2022 perustettu yhteisöllinen monitoimitalo Kemiönsaarella. Kiinteistön omistaa Sari Kippilä ja talon toiminnasta vastaa pariskunta Sari Kippilä ja Tuomo Tammenpää. Voittoatavoittelematon kemiönsaarelainen Osuuskunta Vinde hallinnoi Kulturhus Björkbodan taloutta.

Sari Kippilä
Pedersåvägen 215
FI-25700 Kimito

Osuuskunta Vinde / Kulturhus Björkboda
Arkadiavägen 6
FI-25700 Kimito

Verkkolaskuosoite: 003724632221
Välittäjän tunnus: OKOYFIHH

Tai PDF lasku osoitteeseen:


Non-profit model

Kulturhus Björkboda is working toward a non-profit model, where the objective of all business operations is to cover the running costs of the house. The first year of 2022 will be about benchmarking: we need to find out what those costs are. We estimated utility costs (heat, electricity, water, insurance, IT, and obligatory maintenance as 20K€. This does not include any renovation, marketing, or material costs. All work is currently volunteer work. Non-profit does not mean not paying for work, on the contrary: The new cultural association, Kulturhus Björkboda ry, seeks to raise funds for paying all workshop & program facilitators and the commissions from the shop and gallery, together with the rental income aims to generate funds for paying for one general manager for the house.

How can you help:
Most important: visit us and think about what you can do, or what services and programs you would pay for. Second, rent a room, invite friends, and pass the word about Kulturhus Björkboda. Lastly, you can always buy products from our shop or the gallery. Especially investing in contemporary art via us you make a big impact: The artists get income, we get sales commission and you get an artwork, which might even increase in value over the years, but at least gives you whatever it is you want from the artwork of your choice.


Our dedicated gallery space is a 50m2 L-shaped white space with a reception area on the ground floor. The gallery is a part of a curated contemporary art and future residency programme.


Our 60m2 multi-functional room has been nicknamed Salon as a nod to the stacked style of display that began in Parisian art institutions. One large wall space will be dedicated to displaying community art and the room will become our flexible events space. Contact us for more information and bookings.


Our shop is an amazing 60m2, light-filled space that is conveniently located at the front of the house. We make our own products and sell a curated selection of quality arts & crafts products from South-West Finland. Our shop is also perfect for special product launch events and receptions. Contact the shop team if you’d like to join us.


Kulturhus Björkboda will host a series of Pop-Up café events in the main lobby area. It is a versatile space that suits all kinds of special events.  It has a kitchen and large double-doors that lead to a beautiful outdoor breakout space. There is also a sports hall with a stage close by if you need to host an event for larger groups. So, if you’ve dreamed of being a barista for a day or need a unique conference venue get in touch.


Our school kitchen that used to cater every day for 100 pupils and staff is still going strong. We will gradually update the kitchen according to need, so if you need some special kit let us know.

Meeting room

Our luxurious private meeting room and the kitchen is a comfortable 60m2 corner room on the second floor. It is ideal for meetings of 10 participants and is equipped with a projection screen, conference microphone, and a 4K webcam for your remote conferencing needs. This quiet space can also be rented for private work often essential when you are looking for inspiration or when deadlines are looming. Hourly pricing starts from 10€/h.

Arts studio

Our arts studio space is a 60m2 (10×6) classroom on the second floor. It is suitable for visual arts and ‘clean’ making and also has screen-printing equipment available. Lockable storage for personal materials can be provided. Contact us if you would like to organise your own courses here. Hourly pricing starts from 10€/h.

Crafts studio

Our crafts studio space is a 70m2 (8x9m) classroom on the second floor. It is equipped for woodworking and more messy crafting than the art studio. Lockable storage for personal materials can be provided. Contact us if you would like to organise your own courses here. Hourly pricing starts from 10€/h.

Sports hall

Every school has a sports hall with an elevated stage for daring performances and speeches. Ours is no exception. The 100m2 space is equipped for team sports such as basketball and badminton and it suitable for many other group exercise such as dance, gymnastics and yoga.  Its wooden floor and calm atmosphere makes it a great event space. We can provide chairs and arrange the layout into theatre, banquet and of course classroom style.  The sports hall will comfortably seat 50 people or 100 for a standing event. Hourly pricing starts from 10€/h.


The stage can be booked separately as it can be enclosed with heavy stage curtains to control the acoustics. Our flexible studio space works well for band rehearsals and other performers. Book your weekly sessions from 10€/h.

Priser / Hinnat / Prices


/ timme / tunti / hour

Sisältää arvonlisäveron / inklusive moms / VAT included  (25,5%)

15€ ->

/ timme / tunti / hour

Alennettu hinta (yksityiset, yhdistykset)
Reducerad pris (privat person, föreningar)
Reduced price (private persons, associations)
Sisältää arvonlisäveron / inklusive moms / VAT included  (25,5%)

Evenemang / Tapahtumat / Events

Kontakta oss om du vill anordna ett event, en pop-up cafédag, eller i övrigt behöver en skräddarsydd offert för dina anläggningsbehov.

Ota yhteyttä, jos haluat järjestää tapahtuman, pop-up kahvilapäivän tai muuten tarvitset räätälöidyn tarjouksen.

Contact us if you want to organise an event, a pop-up café day, or in general, need a tailored quote for your facility needs. 
